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Adoption Export

Source code

The adoption export package allows you to export information about Atlan's adoption. This includes:

  • the most viewed assets in Atlan
  • the most changed assets in Atlan
  • the most frequent searches in Atlan

Use cases

  • Understand how users are adopting Atlan, irrespective of trust signals like certificates
  • Report on or summarize that adoption, for slicing and dicing via spreadsheet



  • Include most-viewed assets?: whether or not to include the most-viewed assets in the output, and if so what to consider as more important for the most views:
    • By most unique users prioritizes the highest number of unique users viewing an asset (irrespective of how frequently they may have viewed it)
    • By raw views prioritizes the raw number of views across all users (irrespective of how many different users may have viewed it)
  • Maximum assets: the maximum number of assets to include in the most-viewed sheet (default: 100).


  • Include asset changes?: whether or not to include the assets that have changed in the output.
  • Limit to user: (optional) limit the changes being reported to changes made by one or more users.
  • Limit by action: (optional) limit the changes being reported to one or more specific actions (kind of change).
  • From date: (optional) exclude any changes that occurred before this date
  • To date: (optional) exclude any changes that occurred after this date
  • Maximum assets: the maximum number of assets to include in the most-changed sheet (default: 100).


Coming soon

Currently these configuration options do not produce any output.


  • Email address(es): (optional) enter a list of email addresses, comma-separated, where you want the results to be sent as an attachment. The results will always be downloadable from the workflow run as well.

What it does

The details that match the supplied input criteria will be extracted into a single Excel file (workbook), each configured area in its own separate worksheet (tab). Each row will contain a single record for a single asset, and include a link direct to that asset in Atlan.

Detailed information on the columns in the Excel file produced, by worksheet:



Type of the asset.

Qualified name

Unique name of the asset in Atlan. (This, combined with the Type is guaranteed to be unique.)


Simple name of the asset.

Total views

Total number of times the asset has been viewed, possibly by the same user more than once.

Distinct users

Total number of unique users that have viewed the asset.

Link to the asset's profile in Atlan.



Type of the asset.

Qualified name

Unique name of the asset in Atlan. (This, combined with the Type is guaranteed to be unique.)


Simple name of the asset.

Total changes

Total number of changes made to the asset (within the timeframe and other restrictions selected for the export).

Link to the asset's profile in Atlan.


Coming soon

How it works

Runs a search for each of the kinds of adoption metrics (views, changes), aggregates the results, then lists them out into an Excel file.