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OpenAPI spec loader

Source code

The OpenAPI spec loader package will crawl API definitions from an OpenAPI JSON specification and load corresponding APISpec and APIPath assets in Atlan.


  • Specification URL: full URL to the JSON form of the OpenAPI specification.
  • Connection: either details for a new connection (name and admins), or details of an existing connection to reuse.

What it does


If during setup you requested a new connection be created, that connection (with the requested admins) will be created.


A single APISpec asset will be created representing the entire JSON specification file provided in the setup. The APISpec asset will be created within the connection being reused, or the one created (above). The following properties will be populated on the APISpec asset, if present in the JSON:

Attribute Atlan UI Source in JSON
name Name info.title
description Description info.description
apiSpecType Spec Type openapi
apiSpecTermsOfServiceURL Terms of Service info.termsOfService
apiSpecContactEmail N/A
apiSpecContactName N/A
apiSpecContactURL N/A
apiSpecLicenseName N/A
apiSpecLicenseURL License info.license.url
sourceURL View in API (button) URL of JSON file
apiSpecVersion N/A info.version
apiExternalDoc.url N/A externalDocs.url
apiExternalDoc.description External Docs externalDocs.description


One APIPath asset will be created for each unique path defined in the JSON specification (under paths in the JSON). Each APIPath will be populated with the following properties, if present in the JSON:

Attribute Atlan UI Source in JSON
name Name paths[].{url}
description Description A markdown table composed of paths[].{operation} and paths[].{operation}.summary.
apiPathRawURI Raw URI paths[].{url}
apiPathSummary N/A paths[].summary
apiPathAvailableOperations Methods paths[].{operation}
apiPathIsTemplated Is Templated? True if paths[].{url} contains { and }, otherwise false.
How it works
  1. Creates or validates the existing connection exists, depending on which was provided in the setup.
  2. Pulls the JSON specification from the provided URL using Swagger's library.
  3. Translates the JSON specification into an object form that is easily parsed through code, again using Swagger's library.
  4. Creates the APISpec asset.
  5. Iterates through the paths in the JSON to create an APIPath asset for each one.