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Custom metadata extender

Source code

The custom metadata extender package allows you to broaden the assets custom metadata applies to. This is a necessary step when:

  • You created custom metadata sometime in the past
  • You have since onboarded new connections or glossaries
  • You want the custom metadata to be available to assets in these new connections and/or glossaries
More details

Selecting "all connections" or "all glossaries" when creating custom metadata only selects all the connections or glossaries that exist at the time the custom metadata is created. Any new connections or glossaries created in the future will not automatically have this custom metadata available for their assets.

Furthermore, changing this availability is only possible attribute-by-attribute — you cannot change the availability for all attributes in a given custom metadata structure in one go.

This package allows you to simplify this, by making it possible to bulk-update all attributes in a custom metadata structure to be available for any number of new connections and / or glossaries all in a single step.


  • Custom metadata: the name of the custom metadata structure whose scope you want to broaden.
  • Connection: one or more connections whose assets you want the custom metadata to be available on.
  • Glossaries: the names (comma-separated) of one or more glossaries whose assets you want the custom metadata to be available on.

What it does

All attributes in the specified custom metadata will be updated to allow assets from the specified connections and / or glossaries.

How it works
  1. Retrieves the qualifiedNames of the provided glossaries (if any).
  2. Retrieves the specified custom metadata's structure.
  3. Loops through all attributes in the custom metadata's structure, and for each one appends the specified connections and glossaries.
  4. Saves the revised custom metadata structure (i.e. the revised attributes).

If any glossaries specified cannot be found (1), the workflow will log a warning but continue.

If the custom metadata itself cannot be found (2), the workflow will fail with an error indicating the problem.

On any workflow failure, no change will be made to the custom metadata.