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Confluence Integration Manager

The Confluence Integration Manager package facilitates the integration of Confluence pages into asset Readmes. It fetches Confluence URLs specified in the Resource attribute of an asset and populates the content of those Confluence pages into the asset's Readme.


  • Content Types: Currently, the package supports migration of hyperlinks, images, code blocks, and basic HTML content.
  • Internal Links: Links to other Confluence pages within the content will be migrated as-is and will not be resolved.
  • Character Limit: Confluence pages with content exceeding the 32K character limit of the Readme will have only the first 32K characters migrated. Additional content beyond this limit will be omitted.


The Confluence link (whose contents are to be migrated) must be present in the respective asset's Resources


Atlan Credentials

  • Atlan API Token: Provide your Atlan API Token for authentication. This token is essential for generating dynamic dropdowns (see the Filters section).

Confluence Credentials

  • Confluence API Token: Enter Confluence API Token having access to the Confluence Pages you want to migrate.
  • Confluence Username: Enter Confluence username having access to the Confluence Pages you want to migrate.
  • Confluence Base URL: Enter the Base URL of the Confluence instance.


This section allows user to apply criteria for asset selection. Each filterable attribute includes an operator and a value. The operator is always a dropdown menu, while the value can be either a dropdown selection or a free text field. The package considers the filter only if both the operator and the value are specified. The available filters are:

  • Connector
  • Connection
  • Asset Type
  • Qualified Name

What it does

The package performs the following steps: - Translates the UI input into an ElasticSearch query. - Retrieve assets from Atlan based on the query. - Create a dataframe containing basic asset details as received from the ElasticSearch query. - Enrich the dataframe further with asset's Resource URL details (containing Confluence links) - Fetch the Confluence page contents via Confluence API. - Modify the given Confluence page content using python library in order to make it compatible for Atlan Readme content update. - Upload the modified contents to Atlan Readme in batches.