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Enrichment migrator

Source code

The enrichment migrator package copies asset enrichment from one set of assets to another, usually from one connection to another.

Use cases

  • Migrate manual enrichment done to one set of data assets to another (for example, when migrating from one data warehouse to another but retaining the same data structures)



Asset to include in the migration.

  • Source: the connection from which to copy asset enrichment.
  • Limit to (prefix): the prefix by which to further limit assets within the connection. For example, to limit to only assets in the database DB1 and schema SCH2, you would enter DB1/SCH2 here.
  • Target database pattern: a regular expression to copy asset enrichment from one source database to one or more target databases. To use this option a source database name should be specified in the limit to (prefix). For example to copy asset enrichment from the database DB1 to the databases DB2 and DB3, you enter DB1 as the Limit to (prefix) and DB. as the Target database pattern.
  • Target: the connection with assets into which to copy the enrichment.
  • Fail on errors: whether to fail on any errors related to values being invalid (Yes), or to log such problems as warnings but carry on processing (No).


  • Limit to: limit the attributes to be migrated from source to target

    Only migrate the attributes selected, and ignore any other attributes on the source assets.

    Migrate all enrichment from the source assets, except any attributes selected.

  • Attributes: the attributes to include / exclude based on the option selected

  • Limit custom metadata to: limit the custom metadata attributes to be migrated from source to target

    Only migrate the custom metadata attributes specified, and ignore any other custom metadata attributes on the source assets.

    Migrate all custom metadata enrichment from the source assets, except any attributes selected.

  • Custom metadata: the custom metadata attributes to include / exclude based on the option selected

What it does

  1. Produces a temporary extract file containing all assets that match the specified source criteria, and all enrichment details of those assets that match the specified attribute criteria.
  2. Replaces the connection qualifiedName portion of every source asset with the corresponding connection qualifiedName for the target connection.
  3. Loads the transformed file (2) to the target assets in the target connection.
How it works

Runs a search for all assets that match the supplied inputs:

  • Only assets in the source connection, whose qualifiedName starts with the combination of source connection qualifiedName and the supplied qualified name prefix (if any).
  • Exports a temporary CSV file containing 1 row per matching asset, with potentially all of the following (unless excluded by the attribute criteria):
    • system-provided description,
    • user-provided description,
    • owners,
    • assigned terms,
    • assigned tags, and
    • any custom metadata values.
  • Iterates through every row of the CSV file replacing the source connection's qualifiedName with the target connection's qualifiedName.
  • Loads the resulting CSV back to Atlan, only updating a target asset if it already exists (never creating new assets)