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Enrichment Report

The Enrichment report generation for Glossary (aided with Metadata Completeness), Data Products, Usage report, tableau asset export report, Certificate report and Asset View Report.



On this screen the output (where the assets are extracted) is selected.

  • Email Addresses: list of email addresses (comma separated) that will receive the assets export as csv attachment.
  • Email Subject (Optional): subject of the email that will be sent by Atlan. If empty the default subject is used.
  • Email Body (Optional): body of the email that will be sent by Atlan. If empty the default body is used.


The max size for sending attachments is 25 MB. Please consider to use another output method if the generated file is bigger than 25 MB Or you can use zip method.

  • AWS Access Key
  • AWS Secret Key
  • S3 Bucket Name
  • S3 Folder Path: folder path with trailing slash - atlan/export/
  • Region: s3 bucket region

The following policy needs to be attached to the IAM User in order to allow Atlan to write into the S3 bucket:

IAM User policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>/*"
  • S3 Bucket Name
  • S3 Folder Path: folder path with trailing slash - atlan/export/
  • Region: s3 bucket region


Reach out to your Customer Success representative to create a cross-account bucket policy.

  • Google Sheet Key:
  • Worksheet Name (a.k.a. Sheet TAB)
  • Service Account JSON (share the spreadsheet with your service user)


The CSV file can be downloaded from the Atlan UI.

  • Project id: Google Cloud project id that contains the buckets. (Optional)
  • Service Account JSON key: follow this article to create a service account JSON key. (Optional) The following permissions have to be granted to the role assinged to the Service Account: storage.buckets.get, storage.objects.get and storage.objects.create.
  • Bucket name: name of the bucket where to upload the file.
  • GCS Folder Path: Bucket Path were file will be loaded.
  • If the Project id and Service Account Json key are not provided this load the file to tenant specific GCS bucket


This screen allows to apply filters based on the report you want to generate.

  • For Glossary report to be generated the Metadata Completeness Score should be enabled
  • Generate Glossary report which has information about each glossary by default but when you select Advanced option from option tab we can get information about the categories, we can also select the depth(level) of category information is needed.
  • For Data Product Summary report we need Data Product in the tenant
  • Data Product report contains information about each domain by default but when you select Advanced option from option tab we can get information about the Subdomain, we can also select the depth(level) of Subdomain information is needed.
  • This generates report regarding update made by users in the selected time interval on fields like CERTIFICATES, DESCRIPTIONS, OWNERS, TERMS-LINKED, TAGS, READMES, ANNOUNCEMENTS and selected custom metadata.
  • The Tableau Catalog report extends the Assets Export package behaviour specific for Tableau assets plus it add two more column
  • Hierarchy (which displays the project hierarchy)
  • Workbook (which display the association of asset with that workbook)
  • This generates report for any update made on certification of asset by any user in the selected range for time.
  • We can also select custom metadata to add to our report.
  • This generates number of time an asset is views by users on particular day.
  • We can also select custom metadata to add to our report.