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Issue Alerter

The issue alerter identifies assets with a specified downstream tag and applies a specified custom metadata field and optionally an announcement to the assets found.


  • Tag name: Enter the name of the tag that will be used to identify assets.
  • Alert custom metadata set name: Enter the name of the custom metadata set. Note: This set must exist.
  • Alerts custom metadata property name: Name of the custom metadata Property in the specified set to be set.
  • Alert custom metadata property value: Enter the value to set the custom metadata property to.
  • Include Announcements: Whether the issue alerter should create Announcements in addition to Custom Metadata. WARNING: Should not be used if announcements are used (or will be used) for other purposes. THEY COULD BE OVERWRITTEN OR DELETED. If in doubt, leave set to 'No'.
  • Announcement title: Enter the title to be used for the announcement.
  • Announcement text: Enter the text to be used for the announcement.
  • Announcement type: Select the type of announcement.

What it does

  1. Searches for downstream assets that have the given tag applied. Downstream assets are assets that the tag has been propagated to not the asset the tag was applied to.
  2. For any assets found, sets the specified custom metadata property to the value specified.
  3. If include announcement was set to 'Yes' add an announcement to the asset. NOTE: This will replace any announcement currently on the asset.
  4. Searches for assets with the custom metadata property with the specified value. If the asset does not have the specified tag the custom metadata property will be removed. If the asset has an announcement with the specified title, text and type, the announcement will be removed.