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PowerBI Columns/Measures -> Pages lineage

The PowerBI Columns/Measures -> Pages lineage package generates lineage from Power BI Columns and Measures to Power BI Pages. The package will give visibility on which columns and measures are used by each Power BI page.

Prerequisite - reference

  • Download the PBIR.

  • Save the PBIR in an object storage.

    |-- Report-name.Report
        |-- definition
            |-- pages
                |-- page-id
                    |-- page.json
                    |-- visuals
                        |-- visual_id
                            |-- visual.json
    • Create a folder for each Power BI report. The folder name must be equal to the Powber BI report ID.
    • Upload in the S3 folder the folders downloaded from PBI.
    • Create a container to upload the extacted reports. The container has to contain only the extracted reports.
    • Create a folder for each Power BI report. The folder name must be equal to the Powber BI report ID.
    • Upload in the Blob folder the folders downloaded from PBI.

    Object storage

    Either the Atlan or your own object storage can be used to upload the folders.


  • Connection: Atlan Power BI connection associated to the Power BI reports in scope.
  • Input: where the report PBI files are stored.

    • S3 Bucket: s3 bucket name
    • S3 Path: folder path with trailing slash - atlan/export/
    • S3 Region: s3 bucket region
    • AWS access key
    • AWS secret key
    • S3 Bucket: s3 bucket name
    • S3 Path: folder path with trailing slash - atlan/export/
    • S3 Region: s3 bucket region
    • Azure Client ID: unique application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the app was registered.
    • Azure Client Secret: client secret.
    • Azure Tenant ID: unique identifier of the Azure Active Directory instance.
    • Storage Account Name: name of the Azure storage account.
    • Container name: name of the container where the files are stored.

What it does

  1. Fetch each visual associated to all Power BI pages located either on AWS S3 or Azure Blob.
  2. Parse the file and generate PowerBI Columns/Measures -> Pages lineage.