S3 asset export¶
The S3 asset export package extracts metadata from Atlan, creates three reporting tables that are uploaded into a bucket S3.
- AWS Access Key
- AWS Secret Key
- Region
- S3 Bucket Name
- S3 Folder Path: folder path with trailing slash - atlan/export/
- Asset Type List: comma separated list of asset types in scope for the report (e.g. Table,View,Column).
- Connection Name List: comma separated list of connections in scope for the report (e.g. sf-prod,tableau-dev).
- Asset Custom Metadata List: pipe separated list of Custom Metadata and custom metadata Attributes (e.g. custom_metadata_name_1,custom_metadata_attribute_1|custom_metadata_name_1,custom_metadata_attribute_2).
- Glossary Custom Metadata List: pipe separated list of Custom Metadata and custom metadata Attributes (e.g. custom_metadata_name_1,custom_metadata_attribute_1|custom_metadata_name_1,custom_metadata_attribute_2).
What it does¶
The package generates three csv files and export them into a bcuket S3. The files have the following structure:
- Asset overview
- Date: extraction date.
- Asset Type: Atlan asset type.
- Asset Name: Atlan asset name.
- Connection Name: Atlan connection name.
- Description: asset description.
- Is Documented: Yes if the asset has description + readme.
- Is Verified: Yes if verified.
- Verified Date: date when the asset was verified.
- Owner Group: list of group owners.
- Has Readme: Yes if has readme.
- Has Description: Yes if has description.
- Has Lineage: Yes if has lineage.
- Has Resources: Yes if has resources.
- Custom Metadata: a column for each custom metadata selected in the configuration.
- Glossary overview
- Date: extraction date.
- Glossary Name: Atlan glossary name.
- Category Name: Atlan category name.
- Term Name: Atlan term name.
- Description: term description.
- Term Created Time: date when the term was created.
- Is Verified: Yes if verified.
- Owner Group: list of group owners.
- Owner User: list of user owners.
- Certificate: certificate status.
- Certificate Message: certificate status message.
- Verified Date: date when the asset was verified.
- Has Readme: Yes if has readme.
- Has Description: Yes if has description.
- Has Linked Assets: Yes if the term has linked assets.
- Custom Metadata: a column for each custom metadata selected in the configuration.
- Term URL: glossary term Atlan URL.
- Has Resources: Yes if has resources.
- User overview
- Date: extraction date.
- First Name: user first name.
- Last Name: user last name.
- Email: user email.
- Group: list of user's group.
- Role: user role.
- User Created Time: user creation date.
- Last Login Timestamp: user last login timestamp.